Buy Floor Tile Adhesive | Ceramic Tile Adhesive | Tile Adhesives | Flooring Tiles Online
Floor Tile Adhesive

We have a wide range of floor tile adhesives to choose from, suitable for both ceramic and porcelain tiles. Whether you're looking for a rapid-setting adhesive for a quick and easy job, or an extra-strength adhesive for a more demanding application, we have the perfect product for you. We also stock a variety of tile grouts in a range of colours, so you can achieve the perfect finish to your tiling project. With our affordable prices and fast delivery, there's no better place to buy your floor tile adhesive than our website.

Ultra Tile ProFlex SP Rapid Set Tile Adhesive x 20kg - All Sizes
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from £17.41 £20.89
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from £17.41 £20.89
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Ultra Tile ProRapid RS Tile Adhesive x 20kg - All Colours
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from £15.07 £18.08
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from £15.07 £18.08
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Ultra Tile ProSuper Grip Acrylic Wall Tile Adhesive x 15kg - White
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from £13.56 £16.27
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£13.56 £16.27
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Floor Tile Adhesive | Ceramic Tile Adhesive | Tile Adhesives | Flooring Tiles

When tiling any surface, the importance of a quality adhesive cannot be overstated. Adhesives determine the longevity and durability of the tile installation. This category on tiles4less offers a wide variety of tile adhesives suitable for different applications. Let's delve into the types and their specific uses:

INSTARMAC Ultra Tile Adhesives

  • Rapid Set Adhesives: This includes the Ultra Tile ProRapid RS Flexible Rapid Set and Ultra Tile ProFlex SP S1 Flexible Rapid Set. These are ideal when you're looking to complete your tiling project in a shorter time span. They set quickly, allowing for faster progression.
  • Standard Set Adhesives: The Ultra Tile ProSS Flex Flexible Standard Set and Ultra Tile ProFlex SPES S1 Flexible Standard Set fall into this category. They provide more working time, suitable for larger areas or intricate designs.
  • Grout: The Ultra Tile 3Kg ProGrout Flexible is designed to fill the spaces between tiles, ensuring a seamless finish.


BENFER Adhesives

  • Standard Set: The Benferflex C2 White is your go-to adhesive for standard tiling applications where regular setting time is adequate.
  • Rapid Set: Benferflex Rapido is for those tasks that require a quick turnaround without compromising on bond strength.


BAL Adhesives

  • General Purpose: BAL Green Star Wall Tile Adhesive is suited for wall tiles, ensuring they stay in place over the years.
  • Flexible Adhesives: With products like BAL Max-Flex Fibre Wall Tile Adhesive, BAL Flex One Tile Adhesive, and BAL Single Part Flexible Wall Tile Adhesive, you can be assured of a strong bond that also accommodates slight movements or vibrations.
  • Rapid Set: BAL Rapid-Flex One Wall and Floor Tile Adhesive is designed for both wall and floor tiles that need to set quickly.
  • Multipurpose: The BAL Single Part Fast Flex Wall and Floor Tile Adhesive is versatile, suitable for both walls and floors.


BOSTIK Adhesives

  • Showerproof: Bostik Showerproof Wall Tile Adhesive is designed specifically for areas exposed to moisture, ensuring tiles remain unaffected.
  • One Part Flexible: Bostik One Part Flexible MC310 OPF Wall and Floor Tile Adhesive is versatile and suitable for both wall and floor tiles, providing flexibility and strength.
  • Medium Set: Bostik Medium Set MC280 Floor Tile Adhesive is designed for floor tiles, offering an intermediate setting time.
  • Vitri-Flex: The Vitri-Flex Wall and Floor Tile Adhesive offers a bond suitable for both walls and floors, ensuring durability and longevity.


Guidance on Selection:

  • Surface: Always consider the type of surface you're working with. Wall adhesives might not be suitable for floors due to weight and traffic considerations.
  • Setting Time: Rapid set adhesives are ideal for projects that need quick completion, while standard set gives you more time to work.
  • Flexibility: In areas where there might be movement or vibrations, flexible adhesives are key.
  • Moisture Exposure: For bathrooms or kitchens, consider moisture-resistant adhesives.


Always ensure you read the manufacturer's instructions before application. This will ensure optimal bond strength and longevity of your tiling project.

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